It's the 5th inning here at Camden Yards and you know what time it is! Place your bets as Ketchup, Mustard, and Relish race to find out who we crown King of the Condiments!.
Each player picks their racer and starts off with 2 hotdogs. Before the race begins, bet how many hotdogs you stand to win or lose depending on the outcome of the race
If your player wins, you win your bet! Lose and you lose it! Each round place a new bet based on how many hotdogs you have! The winner is the first to 10 hotdogs! Lose them all and you lose! Good luck!
Every tomato in this ketchup bottle was grown by Usain Bolt himself! The competition won't be able to Catch-Up to you!
This seed may be small but it can move! Though the mustard seed may be America's silver-medal spice, this vinegar infused condiment won't settle for anything other than first!
Would you relish the opportunity to race the best condiment? Don't put yourself in a pickel and choose anyone else!
Every tomato in this ketchup bottle was grown by Usain Bolt himself! They began their race training before they turned red and are ready to race to victory!
This seed may be small but it can move! Though the mustard seed may be America's silver-medal spice, this vinegar infused condiment won't settle for anything other than first!
Would you relish the opportunity to race the best condiment? Don't put yourself in a pickel and choose anyone else!
Controls: Press "a", "s", "d" and "w" in that order to make your player move!
Controls: Press "j", "k", "l" and "i" in that order to make your player move!